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Renuka Shakha
Written by Renuka Shakha

Adding Partner and Product

How to add a single partner and single product?

Partners are organizations that you represent, such as institutions, universities, visa offices, accommodation providers, and insurance companies.


On the other hand, Products are courses, visa sub-classes, rental services, or insurance policies that are offered by Partners in different locations.


For example, Bachelor of Accounting is a Product, offered by our Partner named, Australian Demo University in their Sydney and Melbourne Campuses.


Step 1: To add a Partner and product, select Partner from the Dashboard.

 Step 2: Select Add

Step 3- Select Master category


Step 4- Select Partner Type.

Step 5 - Now, Add Partner’s Name. For example, Australian Demo University.


Step 6- Here, add the Business Registration Number of the Partner. This can be used while invoicing them.


Step 7- Then select Workflows, where you want their applications to run. 


Step 8- Select the currency type.

Step 9- Add partner address and contact details. 

Step 10 - Since most of the universities have multiple campuses at various locations. You can add those campuses as a Branch.


You can simply import all your partner’s with their products and even branch offices from our master database

To do so, click on the following link:

Adding Product

Follow the given steps to ass product in the system :

Step 1 - Click on the Product from the Dashboard

Step 2 - Select Add

Step 3- Now add the Product's name.

Step 4 - Add Product type.

Step 5- Add the associated Partner and its Branches

Step 6- Then add the Revenue Type whether it is revenue generated from a client or from the partner.

Step 7- You can also add product information like Duration, Intake Month along with Product Description and Notes for other team members to see when required. 

Step 8 - Click on the Save button.

To add the partner and product, the user should have the permission as marked in the screenshot:

To edit the permission of the user, please follow the following link:
