Time Zone Management

This article guides on setting the correct time zone in the system, crucial for viewing, tracking, and operating all activities in your preferred time zone.

Setting up the correct time zone in the system is very crucial to view, track and operate all the activities in the same time zone that you follow. The time zone you select will effect the emails, appointments, task and the automation you set.

To set the time zone, please note you should have the correct permissions:

To set the time zone, follow the following steps:

Step 1: Click on the profile icon on the top info bar

Step 2: Select My profile

Step 3: Select Date & Time

Step 4: Select the Time zone you prefer

Please note while setting the time zone search the option on the dropdown based on the city. For example: If you are located in Sydney, Australia, search the time zone as Sydney rather than Australia.

Step 5: Select Save & Apply once you select the preferred time zone.

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