Managing Credit Balance

Manage Credit Balance involves overseeing and controlling the available credit within an account or system.

To manage the credit balance:

Step 1: Go to the credit balance tab from the setting and then phone settings.

Step 2: In the credit balance tab you will see all the credit activity logs.

Step 3: Here you can see different columns:
Date: Indicates the date and time the user performs the activity.

Phone: Indicates the number that is use to perform the activity.

Type: Indicates the type of activities that are being done such as credit used or credit purchased.

Billed By: Indicates the user responsible for purchasing the credit balance.

Sender: Indicates the user who send the SMS.

Status: Indicates the delivery status of the SMS.

Credit Amount: Indicates the credit amount purchased by the user which will be shown in the color green. If the user is using the credit then the amount is shown in red.

Credit Balance: Indicates the credit balance that remains in the phone number.

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