Managing workflows

While managing the workflows yo can edit and inactive the workflow once created.

Please note: If the workflow is edited and inactivated, it will not effect the application added before editing.

Step 1: Select setting from the top info bar.

Step 2: Select Workflow

Step 3: Click on the three dots of the workflow which you are trying to edit.

Step 4: To edit any particular workflow, click the Edit option from the dropdown and update with the necessary changes.

Step 5: You can activate Add Start and End Date, Add Notes Field, Win Stage, and Partner Client ID. (Can only be clicked for a stage, it can not be applied to all the stages). Once you are about to reach the particular stage, a new field will pop up and you have to fill in all the required information in order to proceed to another stage.


Start and End Date


Partners Client ID

Step 6: To inactive the workflow, select the option to deactivate from the dropdown

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