Personal Profile Setup

Every user can set up their Personal profile in Agentcis for easy recognition among the team members.

To set up your Personal Profile, follow the following steps.

Change Profile Image
Please note
the image should be in png or jpg or jpeg and the size should be less than 2 MB

Step 1: Click on your avatar at the top right corner.

Step 2: Select “ My Profile” from the drop-down. This leads you to your personal profile page.

Step 3:  To edit your profile picture click on your avatar and attach a photo.

Personal and Contact Information

You can also edit personal and contact information, such as your phone number, and position title.
Step 1: For this click on the Edit icon.

Step 2: Add the details and select update once you add all the details.

Please Note: The users can not change their own roles and offices. If the user has permission then the user can change the other user’s role and permission.

Change Password

The password to log in to the Agentcis can be changed from your profile setting.Please proceed by following these steps.

Step 1: For this click on the Edit icon.

Step 2: Fill the new password in the password and confirm password column

Step 3: Select update once you add all the details.

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