To import the applications in bulk, follow the following steps:
Step 1:Select the settings from the top info bar.

Step 2: Select Data Import from the list.

Step 3: Select the Application tab.

Step 4: Select Import Applications

Step 5: Download the template for the import from the Agentcis.

Step 6: Fill the details of the application in the template downloaded.

Please Note: Add all the mandatory field to upload the application successfully in the Agentcis. The mandatory fields are:
1. Client’s Email
2. Workflow
3. Partner Email
4. Partner Branch Name
5. Product Name
6. Stage(i.e stage of the workflow in which the application is currently)
7. Added by(Email id of the user who added the application)
8. Assignee’s Email
9. Status(i.e in progress, completed or discontinued)
Step 6: After filling all the details in the template, reupload the file in the system.
Note: Before importing, please ensure all mandatory fields in the templates are filled out, including any custom fields that may also be marked as mandatory.
Also make sure the size of the file is less than 10 MB
Step 7: Select the import tab after you upload the file.
Note: Please make sure that the following formats are maintained for each field that is filled in the CSV/excel template:
1) Client Email: Email address of the client
2) Partner's Client Id: Number
3) Workflow: Text
4) Partner Email: Email address of partner
5) Partner Branch Name: Text
6) Product Name: Text
7) Stage: Text
8) Added By: Text
9) Assignee's Email: Email address of assignee
10) Status: Selection from dropdown
11) Application Start Date: dd/mm/yyyy
12) Application End Date:dd/mm/yyyy
13) Applied Intake Date:dd/mm/yyyy
14) Super Agent Email: Email address of Super agent
15) Sub Agent Email: Email address of Sub-Agent