Managing a Group Invoice

How to manage Group Invoice in Agentcis?

There are many activities you can do to manage the group invoices. You can view the group invoice details, preview the PDF of the invoice, email the group invoice to your Partner or SuperAgent, attach new invouce view logs, search the group invoice, remove an invoice from the group and also delete the group invoice overall.

To view the details of a group invoice, please do the following:
Step 1: Select Accounts from the side navigation bar and select group invoice.

Step 2: In the group invoice list, click on the view detail button of the invoice you want to see.

Step 3:  To preview the group invoice PDF, click on the activity button of the invoice you want to preview  and select preview PDF.

Step 4: To email a group invoice, click on the email button next to the view details button.

Step 5: To attach invoices to existing group invoices, click on the view details button. Then in the details page, click on the add attach invoices button.

Step 6: To view logs, click on this view logs button.

Step 7: In the group invoice logs, you can see all of the activities that have been done in this invoice.

Step 8: To remove an invoice from a group , click on the remove icon.

Step 9: To delete a group invoice, click on the activity button of the group invoice from the list and select delete.

Step 10: To search the group invoice, add the name of the partner or superagent under the search bar and the list will be visible.

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