Managing Bank Details

Include bank details in invoices for convenient payment processing.

Along with your address information, it is crucial to maintain the bank details in the invoice  to let customers know the most feasible way to make manual payments. You can add different bank accounts for different types of income and add those bank details to your invoices.

To manage the bank details:
Make sure you have the permissions to do so:

Step 1: Select the setting from the top info bar.

Step 2: Select Account from the list.

Step 3: Under the Make Manual Payment Details Module select Add New.

Step 4: Fill the details in the pop-up that appears. Under the Payment Option Name you can add the bank name. Similarly, in the payment details content, you can add the details of the bank account that is Account Holder’s Name, Bank Account Number and BSB.

Please Note: These fields are mandatory.

Step 5: In the Default for Invoice Type, you can select the Invoice Type for which you want to set the bank account details as default.

For example: if you select the Net Commission Invoice as Default then whenever a net commission invoice is created in the system then the bank details will automatically be shared. However different payment methods can be selected while creating the invoice as well.

Step 6: After adding the details, click on Add. 

Now, this payment option has been created and is ready to be added in your invoice.

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