Reports - Using Filters and Export

How to export contact reports? How to create a filtered report and export it? How to use filters in reports? How to save filters?

With the help of the Agentcis Reports feature, you can generate any specific report you require and export it in CSV. This can be achieved by using different filters and combination of these filters to generate the exact information you looking for.

You can find 7 categories of reports in Agentcis

  1. Client Reports (contains leads, prospect and client general information data)

  2. Application Report (contains all client's applications data)

  3. Client by Application Report (contains all client's general information data with application filters)

  4. Invoice Report (contains all created invoices data)

  5. Office Check-In Report (contains all created office check-in data)

  6. Sales Forecast (contains all the revenue forecast data coming from each application and interested services)

    • Application Sales Forecast Report

    • Interested Services Sales Forecast Report

  7. Tasks Report (contains divided into 2 sub reports - Personal and Office)

    1. Personal Task Report shows all the tasks assigned to a particular user.

    2. Office Task Report shows all the tasks of all team members of a branch office.

Accessing the reports

Step 1: Select Report from the side navigation bar.

Step 2: Select Client from the drop down

Understanding the Reports Page

You will able to access the each reports by selecting each reports. You can do each of these actions on the reports page.

  1. Rows per page and pagination (in all Reports)

  2. Send Bulk Email to 50 contacts (in Client, Client by Application and Application Reports)

  3. Select Columns for display in reports

  4. Export Reports in CSV format

  5. Use and Save Filters (in all Reports)

Managing Rows per Page

The initial reports will only show 10 rows of data by default. You can change this by selecting Rows per page according to your requirements. The max rows per page is 50.

Bulk Email Action from Reports

You can also send bulk email to max 50 contacts from Client Report, Client by Application Report and Application report.

Managing Columns in Reports

If you don’t want some column to be displayed in the list then you can deselect them from the display icon on the top right corner.

Exporting the report with filters

Once you get the list of the filtered report, you can export these reports in csv format by selecting the export icon on the top right corner.

Using Filters in Report

You can also use filters to get the more specific data sets as per your needs. Filters can also be saved for future reference. The more details about using filters is explained in other below points.

Step 1: Select Add New Filter.

Step 2: Select Added Date Filter and then select last 30 days. Now the report will be generated of all the contacts that were added in the last 30 days.

Step 3: Now, click on Add New Filter again.

Step 4: Select the Assignee Filter and then select Contains.

You can now fill up the assignee name in the contains filter for which you want to filter the contacts.

Saving the filters for future reference

Note: You can save these filters if they are used often, to save select the save filter tab and give the filter a suitable name.

You can access the saved filter from the Saved Filters Tab.

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