Studylink Integration with Agentcis.

Agentcis Studylink integration streamlines partner connections, eliminates redundant data input, and facilitates direct communication with institutions, enhancing efficiency.

Do you find yourself spending way too much time inputting the same data twice in Agentcis and StudyLink?

We've got you covered!!! The Studylink integration with Agentcis feature provides you the flexibility to connect/integrate your partners with Studylink and saves you big time by avoiding the hassle of double work of inputting the same data. Also, We can now easily enable the StudyLink connection which is available to all the partners.

Furthermore, Users can even send applicant and application details to the institution through StudyLink from the Agentcis Application page.

Overall, this has enabled users to view the status and communicate on the Study link directly from the Agentcis application.

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