Application listing Page is now more organized, customizable, and easy to manage. With the latest update on the Application Listing page, it is easier for you to:
1. Re-arrange Columns the way you want.
2. Quick and Easy Action
3. Easy Filters

Follow the following steps for the actions on the listing page.
Step 1: Select the workflow from the top left corner.

Step 2: Select the stage of the workflow on the basis of which you want the application list.

Step 3: You can select the columns to be displayed in the list. For this click on the “Display Filter” icon.
Note: The first four columns which is(Client, Application detail, Stage/workflow, and Action) can not be controlled for the display.

Step 4: Use the New drag and drop feature inside the Display Filter to rearrange the columns in the way you want in the list. For this click on the dots icon then drag and drop to the place you want.

Step 5: Once complete click on update.

Step 6: For easy search of the specific application and contacts click on the search bar.
Note: You can search through Client Name, Client Application, Phone Number, Internal ID and Application ID.

Step 7: To filter the application based on a particular field, select add "New Filter" and select the required filter from the drop-down list.

Note: You can save the maximum used filter for future reference as well. For this please click on "Save Filter" and give the appropriate name to the filter.

Step 8: You can Add Task, Add Documents, Add Notes, and change the Application Stage from the listing page as well. For this please click on the "three dots icon" and select the action from the dropdown you want to perform.