Sending emails one by one to every client takes too much time and effort. With Agentcis, you can send bulk emails to respondents with similar communication needs, quickly and easily. This helps you work faster, stay organized, and communicate more efficiently.
Note: Bulk email can be sent to all types of contacts i.e. prospects, enquiries and Clients
To send bulks emails to clients, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Select Clients from the left side navigation bar.

Step 2: Choose the necessary clients by checking the boxes next to their names on the left side.
You can either choose all by selecting this check box.

Or, you can use necessary filters to get certain clients matching similar communication needs.

Step 3: Once you select the checkboxes, option to send email will appear on the top of the page.

Step 4: Click on ‘Send Mail’ option.
A new window page of Compose Email will appear.

Step 5: Fill in with necessary information including respondents, templates, subject, body part and attachments (if any).
Step 6: Click on the Send option.
You will receive a green message pop-up on the top of your page.
To check the status of your delivered mails, click on this icon from the top right section.