Ratings contacts - Hot, Warm, Cold, Lost

Ratings can be given to the contact to separate and prioritize them on the basis of chance of conversion

Contact ratings are one of the best practices for lead management and can help you focus on prioritized contacts who need to be contacted soon for conversion. You can view these ratings just under the client name in the client profile. You can simply click on each icon to change the client rating. 


  1. A HOT rating refers to a Lead or Prospect who is qualified and is estimated to undertake your service soon. According to the industrial practise, an ideal time frame for conversion can be 1 week to 4 weeks.

  2. Warm rating refers to a Lead or Prospect who is partly qualified and is estimated to undertake your service in the coming future. An ideal time frame for conversion can be 1 month to 3 months.

  3. Cold rating refers to a Lead or Prospects who are not yet qualified but tend to undertake your service in the coming future.  An ideal time frame for conversion can be 3 months to 6 months.

  4. Lost rating refers to a Lead or Prospects who will not undertake your service in the coming future. 

All ratings and changes in the rating will be recorded in the Activities section in the contact’s profile. The ratings are also shown in Contact List and Contact Reports, from where you can perform further actions.

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