Service Search

What is Service and how can I search that?

The Service search feature helps you quickly find the best possible options for your customer. Services can help you to find and compare the courses, visa, insurance, and any other services based on your client’s requirements. 

Step 1: To access the Services, click on the services from the side navigation bar. 

Step 2: Select your service category. This could be Education, Visa & Migration, Insurance, and Other Services.

Note: The categories under which the partners are available in the system will only be shown in the drop down of the category.

Step 3: Depending on the selected service category, you can now either search for products or partners under that category.

Step 4: Then type in the keyword and click on the search button to display all the relevant results. 

For example, A contact is looking for a course in Nursing, so I will choose Education as a Service Category and select Courses as I need to search for courses in Nursing. Then, typing the Nursing keyword here and clicking search will display all the Nursing courses available.

You will be able to see more details about each course in the course results such as related partners, course fees and other course information.

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