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Shreeya Dangol
Written by Shreeya Dangol

How to add interested service for contacts?

To create interested service, follow the given steps.

Step 1 - Go to interested service tab from contacts detail page.

Step 2 - Click on "Add button".

Step 3 - On the Add Interested service pop-up, Select the workflow.

Step 4 -Select Partner with its branch

Step 5 - Select the product.

Step 6 - Select start and end date.

Step 7 - Now, save the interested service.

Here, you can see, Product fee and Sales Forecast is automatically added in Interested Service

You can also edit sales forecast and product fee directly from interested service.

Step 1 - Click on the action button and select "View."

Step 2 - The side drawer will open as shown in the image below.

Step 3 - Click on the "Edit" button on the corner of respective category.

Step 4 - Make changes and update.
