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Shreeya Dangol
Written by Shreeya Dangol

How to change premium monthly to premium annual?

To change from premium monthly to premium annual.

Step 1 - Go to settings

Step 2 - Select Subscription and Billing settings.

Step 3 - Click on change plan button to proceed.

Step 4 - Select "Annual Plan"

Step 5 - Now, click on the Upgrade button.

Step 6 - As you land on the payment page you can add users, data storage, email inbox storage, and outbox storage from here.

Step 7 - Click on Review and Pay button to proceed or click on go back and choose a plan to revert the subscription.

Step 8 - Add a card or to make the payment.

Step 9 - Then select the card.

Step 10 - Click on the "Finish: Upgrade your subscription button."
