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Shreeya Dangol
Written by Shreeya Dangol

Notification Settings

You can manage your notifications from the notification settings. Agentcis notifies you in two ways. One by in-system notifications and two by email notifications.

To manage your in-system notification follow the steps below.

Step 1: Click on your profile picture in the Top Info Bar and select Manage Notification.

Step 2: You will directly land on the System notifications tab.

Step 3: Select the required notification options and deselect to not receive the notification.

Step 4: Save the changes.

To manage your email notification, follow the given steps.

Step 1: Click on your profile picture in the Top Info Bar and select Manage Notification.

Step 2 - Go to the email tab.

Step 3: This page is divided into four sections. Assignments, Dates, Days in Queue, and Application Stage in the queue. Set and select the required email notification option.

Step 4: Save.
