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Shreeya Dangol
Written by Shreeya Dangol

Version 5.8.3

Transfer Data Before Inactivation of User

You can now transfer applications and tasks related to clients from one user to another in bulk while deactivating them. This allows a new user to continue the processing of the client smoothly from where it was left, without any interruption.

To transfer contacts, applications, and tasks related to the user to another user before inactivation them, follow the given steps.

Step 1 – Go to Users from the Teams module.

Step 2 – Select the user and click on their action button as shown in the image below.

Step 3 – Now, select a user to transfer all the application, client and task looked after by the user whom you are about to deactivate.

Step 4 - Check on the Notify the selected assignee through email option.

Step 5 - Now save to transfer the client, application, and task to a new user and inactive the previous user.

Email Display Name

Every morning your clients receive hundreds of emails, which are both relevant and junk. In the jungle of emails, how do they know if it is yours?

By a display name!

Display name will validate your email so that your clients easily identify it from the list. So, here we are with Email Display Name for your emails which you will send out. This feature will automatically display your company name as the email display name for your receivers.

To set an email display name, follow the given steps.

Step 1 - Go to email Settings.

Step 2 - On the Personal Email tab, you can add Email Display name for your personal email.

Step 3 - Similarly for the Company Email too, you can set an Email Display Name.
