The users once invited in the system can be inactivated if the user is no longer working with you and free the space for another user.
For this please make sure you have the correct permission and follow the following steps:
Step 1: Select Teams from the side navigation bar

Step 2: Select Users

Step 3: Select Active.(It will be selected by default)

Step 4: Select the user from the list to whom you are inactivating and then click on the three dots at the right corner.

Step 5: Select the Make Inactive option from the drop down to inactive the user.

Step 6: Select the user from the drop-down to whom the Clients, Applications, Open Tasks and the Upcoming Appointments of the user is to be transferred.

Step 7: Click on the check box if you want the selected assignee to be notified through email about the transfer of the data.

Please extract the report of the applications, task and appointments of the user before to whom you are inactivating if you require the detail in future.