In order for you to integrate Agentcis with StudyLink, you will require an API key from StudyLink. To get the API key you will have to follow the following steps.
Step 1: You will have to fill out the following form from this link to request the API Key.

Step 2: Input the required information and click on Submit
Note: The link to terms & conditions is included in the form. By submitting this form, you agree to StudyLink Connect's T & Cs
Step 3: StudyLink Connect will contact you and review your branch structure.
Step 4: Once the review is completed, StudyLink Connect will issue the API token for your agency via Service Desk (
To learn more about studylink integration, Go to Studylink Connect Integration.
To learn more about sending clients through studylink , Go to Sending Client Applications to Institution through Studylink Connect.