Net Claim Inovice is created when the full amount is paid to you, you keep the commission amount and send the remaining to your partner.
To create a net commission invoice, please make sure you have the permission to do so:

Then, follow the given steps:
Step 1: Select Accounts from the Side navigation bar and then select Inovices.

Step 2: Select Create Invoice on the top right corner.
Step 3: Select Commission Invoice from the dropdown.

Step 4: In the pop up form, select Net Claim Invoice.
Step 5: Now, select the client and the application for which you want to create the invoice.
Step 6: After this you will land on a form to fill the information regarding your net commission.
Step 7: Choose the invoice date, which is the date of the creation of the invoice and the invoice due date, which is the date till the invoice has to be paid.
Step 8: Fill the description for the commission (for eg tuition fee) and add the total fee.
Step 9: Then according to the commission percentage of the partner,the system will automatically calculate the commission amount.
Please note: The commission percentage can be set under the partner agreement section and under the product fee or you can add that manually as well.
Step 10: Select the tax code to apply and the system will automatically calculate the tax amount as well as the net amount.
Please Note: The tax code can be set from the Account setting. Toi learn to set the tax code, follow the following link:
Step 11: If a discount is given to the client on the invoice, fill its information under the Discount Given to Client section.
Step 12: You can view the summary of the invoice on the right side.
Step 13: Below the summary of the invoice, you can select the payment option that will be included in the invoice.
Note: This is the payment details that you have added in the account settings.
Step 14: In the payment received section, you can mark this invoice as paid or you can also add partial payment as well to note that a partial amount has been paid of this invoice has been paid to the partner.

Step 15: The income sharing part allows you to share the commission amount to a receiver, which is either another branch or subagent.

Step 16: Once you finish adding all the details, you can select save.